Koper - Slovenija
+386 70 722 710

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Windsurfpoint offers
- beginners courses
- advanced cources
- private lessons
- rental of equipment

Windsurfing courses are from Monday to Friday, 10 hours alltogether, or you can choose the the weekend package.

Courses are carried out in groups of 3 to 8 students. For individuals we do private lessons. The price includes the use of school equipment, teaching and organization and the right to use the club facilities. Some pictures can be viewed in our gallery.


The word has embraced a new sport called SUP - 
Stand up paddle surfing.

supWe offer you a private 10 minutes lesson for
15 EUR per person.

Participants can rent a SUP board for 45 min for free.


Course content:
  - basic windsurfing theory
  - wind conditions
  - equipment assembling
  - uphauling the sail
  - basic position
  - start
  - changing direction
  - basic tack maneuver

200 EUR

Course content:   
  - quick tack
  - jibe
  - helicopter
  - use of harness
  - water start basics

200 EUR

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The only school that offers knowledge guarantee.
We guarantee to the beginner course students the acquisition of the skills, provided by the program.

The course will be extended if needed, until skils are acquired, for no extra charge.


Are you looking for ideas for your group trip?
Choose to learn to windsurf and come to on the slovene coast. We organize all kind of windsurfing courses. Recommended for example for the final school trip, science or sports days, collective trips etc.
Refresh your summer days at sea, and enjoy music together while learning to windsurfing. 
For booking or additional information, please contact us.

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